
Prevalence of problem drinking in patients with depression and association between depression severity and problem drinking: a cross-sectional survey

Susumu Higuchi, Izuru Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Shibasaki

Type: Original Article
2019 Volume 10 Pages 1-9
Published: May 24, 2019
Released: May 24, 2019

The 12-item self-rating questionnaire for depressive mixed state (DMX-12) in relation to categorical diagnoses of mixed depression and mixed features

Hotaka Shinzato, Tsuyoshi Kondo

Type: Original Article
2019 Volume 10 Pages 18-25
Published: September 09, 2019
Released: September 09, 2019

Early recognition and appropriate pharmacotherapy for mixed depression: the key to resolving complex or treatment-refractory clinical cases

Minoru Takeshima

Type: Invited Review
2019 Volume 10 Pages 10-17
Published: September 02, 2019
Released: September 02, 2019

Mutism in an adult case with autism spectrum disorder improved by aripiprazole

Shinji Sato, Yoichi Kawanishi, Masayuki Ide, Noriko Sodeyama, Hitoshi Takei

Type: Case Report
2019 Volume 10 Pages 26-28
Published: November 08, 2019
Released: November 08, 2019